Channel: Make Joke Of
Category: Comedy
Tags: the shayari sabhacomedy videovideo by make joke ofhindi comedyfunny vinesbahuriyakavi sammelansabhahappy new yearmake jokes ofnew year shayaripagal ho kyafunnyshayarifunny videoscomedymake joke of videohindi shayarimaking joke ofmake jokenak bahati bahuriyakanpuriya videomjomjo new videomjo videomake joke of newmjk comedymake joke oftopa videoarrey yaar pagal ho kyashayari sabhafunny shayarifunny scene
Description: Presenting Make Joke Of`s new episode - THE SHAYARI SABHA Happy new year friends !! Some people are sitting and making shayari for new year`s greeting see how they are interrupted in a funny way. Thanks again for that much wait and support... Keep Loving Keep Smiling Keep Supporting ===================================================== Music by - ===================================================== If you want to connect with man behind MJO on some other social networks ….. Links are below::: INSTAGRAM::: FACEBOOK::: TWITTER::: =====================================================